Latest Information
This is the best place to find the latest information, reports and other valuable information! Click the links below to download the latest reports! The All Populations Report, Youth Report, Subpopulation Report and Veteran Reports below are the components of the Point In Time Count report. This is conducted annually in January. These reports will provide a snapshot of data that is collected on a specific day in January. The sheltered numbers are not estimates but actual data from emergency shelters and transitional housing providers in Jasper and Newton Counties. The unsheltered numbers are from actual surveys conducted with people who are living outside. View System Performance Reports at this website: System Performance Reports measures are a series of 7 measures to assess system wide performance. This data comes from agencies who enter information into Service Point, our local Homeless Management Information System.
Measure 1: Length of Time Homeless
Measure 2: Returns to Homelessness
Measure 3: Number of Persons Experiencing
Measure 4: Employment and Income Growth for persons
in CoC Projects
Measure 5: Number First Time Homeless
Measure 7: Successful Exits from Outreach and Successful
Exits/Retention in Permanent Housing