Standardized access, assessment, referral and housing placement for all people experiencing homelessness in Jasper and Newton Counties. Assess & prioritize people for local housing programs that only serve people who are experiencing homelessness.
Coordinated entry is an important process through which people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness can access the crisis response system in a streamlined way, have their strengths and needs quickly assessed, and quickly connect to appropriate, tailored housing and mainstream services within the community or designated region.
Standardized assessment tools and practices used within local coordinated assessment processes take into account the unique needs of children and their families as well as youth. When possible, the assessment provides the ability for households to gain access to the best options to address their needs, incorporating participants’ choice, rather than being evaluated for a single program within the system. The most intensive interventions are prioritized for those with the highest needs.
Contact: Shonna Greninger
Phone: 417-627-2039 Fax: 417-781-1234
Location: Economic Security Corporation
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 to 5:00
Coordinated assessment paves the way for more efficient homeless assistance systems by:
· Helping people move through the system faster by reducing the amount of time people spend moving from program to program before finding the right match.
· Reducing new entries into homelessness by consistently offering prevention and diversion resources upfront, reducing the number of people entering the system unnecessarily.
· Improving data collection and quality and providing accurate information on what kind of assistance clients need.
Please keep the following in mind
- Completing the housing assessment does not guarantee housing.
- This is not a housing waitlist, nor a housing application.
- It is possible you may not be eligible for any current housing program openings.
- There is no fixed timeline of when an agency may contact you for housing.
- We will keep searching for a program until we find an opening for you, or you ask us to stop.